We Hear You | We See You | We Support You

July 29, 2022  |  1pm to 5PM  |  HSC MET

Professional development opportunity.


1. Describe how your mind, body, and spirit play a role in your work and home life

2. Apply strategies that improve your whole health and wellness

CE Credits Available

Symposium Resources

The Live Better Work Better Achieve Journaling Guide
Closing Remarks: Dr. Sylvia Trent-Adams
Body Awareness Resources
Exploring neural mechanisms of benefits of gratitude
NIF – exercise, chronic stress, rats
Extrinsic reward reduces intrinsic motivation
Resilience &
 Insular Cortex, Pain Tolerance, & Yoga
Time, Frequency, Static Stretch
Interoceptive awareness skills for emotion regulation
Stretching & tumor growth in mice
Mindfulness, interoception, and insula
Voluntary activation of sns – cold, meditation, breath

Thank You to Our Presenters and All Who Attended!