Rural Americans struggle to lead normal healthy lives due to the isolation of living in remote areas and the lack of health care practices nearby.
SaferCare Texas partners with rural and underserved communities to build bridges between communities and health care to optimize health and prevent harm.
We partner with community libraries to provide safe virtual health rooms to help improve access to health care in rural and underserved communities.
Community Health Workers (CHW)
UNT Health Science Center’s School of Public Health provides free certification courses for those aspiring to serve their communities in the community health workers’ realm, especially in rural and underserved communities.
We are bringing rural health challenges and issues to the forefront of state and national organizations and offices through our health literacy and maternal health efforts.
From webinars, research and events, we are constantly looking for ways to educate health care professionals and the public on challenges and solutions regarding rural health.
More than 59 million people live in rural parts of the United States
In rural areas there is an additional 22 percent risk of injury-related deaths
The patient-to-primary care physician ratio in rural areas is only 39.8 physicians per 100,000 people, compared to 53.3 physicians per 100,000 in urban areas