The Coronavirus hit us by surprise and is presenting new and unique challenges. Nobody predicted it would force countries to lockdown, shut schools and public places for months, and cause disruptions to daily routines. These unchartered waters can cause added anxiety, stress and strain—physically, mentally, and financially, and that is completely natural.
Now more than ever it is important to find new ways to work and interact while also taking care of our mental health and well-being. It is also important to remember that although we are all practicing social distancing, that does not mean social isolation.
With that in mind, our team spent some time discussing how we are responding and coping to quarantine life. Below are quotes from each member of our team describing what he/she is doing to keep mentally and physically healthy.
I am purposely limiting access to news to 15 minute intervals in the morning and evening. I also workout twice a week with my son, drink at least 64 ounces of water, and plan for 6-8hrs of sleep/night."
John Sims MSN, RN, CNL
Like others, I am being intentional about healthy nutrition, physical activity, and sleep patterns. Focusing on what I can positively influence – work objectives! Taking more time to enjoy family meals and frequent virtual connections with family and friends in other locations, and also practicing gratitude."
Leslie Allsopp, MSN, MPH, PhD
Like most people, I am trying to keep active and stay positive. I try to do one activity a day outside: riding my bike, taking a walk, or working on the yard. I have also made an effort to keep up my relationships with family and friends through Zoom happy hours. We play virtual games and celebrate wins throughout the week. Also, I have limited my time watching the news and on social media and have started reading more books. Reading has helped keep my mind right. Finally, everyday my husband and I say something that we are grateful for. It is a great way to end the day on a positive note.”
Katie Shanklin Powers, MA
I deal with the stress of the situation by adhering to a regular schedule. Both my husband and I still get up at 5:30 am and put in a normal workday.
I also avoid staying glued to the TV – we watch the news at the end of the day and then have “date time” at 6:30 pm to watch Wheel of Fortune and leave our computers or work spaces!
Trying to pay attention to nutrition and overall fitness has also been key – my Fitbit keeps me focused! I do at least 10 stairs a day. But I do miss “Taco Tuesday!”
Finally, I’m so grateful for a wonderful family who text quite a bit – we have a family group text and often send funny emoji or sayings to help us laugh! The situation in New Orleans is very depressing, so we try to break the “bad news” cycle with funny thoughts."
Lillee Smith Gelinas, MSN, RN, CPPS, FAAN
I'm purposely following a somewhat normal schedule, eating regular meals, showering and getting dressed by normal work hours. Secondly, I'm taking breaks to get outside and walk my dog during the day as well as a long walk at night."
Teresa Wagner, DrPH, MS, CPH, RD/LD, CHWI, DipACLM, CHWC
I am doing some of the same things like keeping a schedule. We are also trying to support the local economy with curbside take out! "
Kate Taylor, DNP, FNP-C
I spend a lot of time at the UNTHSC COVID-19 test site. In order to wind down, I am working to better my “yoga” technique by participating in a driveway yoga session in my neighborhood at least 2 days a week (we keep a safe distance from each other). I am also getting back to cooking healthy meals, ditching the junk food, and have fun facetime conversations with the family. I have found during this time that I need to find some “me” time, so I am working on getting caught up on my devotional time, time for prayers, and time for just sitting outside and enjoying the quiet."
Lee Ann Cunningham
Something that has helped me stay grounded is that I am cooking and baking a lot more as well as working out daily. It brings me joy knowing that I can still practice my creativity in a different way and create something that is also delicious! I have also made sure to take advantage of good weather days by walking my dogs and working outside. A big practice that I have incorporated into my daily life is gratitude. I always take time every day to point out what I am grateful for that day, even if it is a small thing, such as more time to cuddle with my dogs or not having to worry about traffic. I think being purposeful about ending each day on a positive note, while still acknowledging what I am feeling throughout the day, whether is it good or bad, has helped me tremendously."
Kim Nguyen, MS
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. We hope our quarantine activities give you a variety ideas and tips on how you can stay mentally and physically healthy during these challenging times.
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